I’ve thought a lot about purpose lately. It seems to be recurring and most of the time God puts those words in my path when I need them the most.
What is purpose? What is our purpose? The purpose of our marriage? The purpose of school? The purpose of our jobs? Without “purpose” what would we be motivated by? The issue is, we look for purpose in the wrong places. My purpose in my marriage isn’t found in my husband but instead it’s what purpose do me and my husband have together. What purpose do we have for the kingdom of God. Without God, without knowing he gives us purpose what are we even here for? When we seek out Gods plan in our lives and we truly live for him is when we fulfill a purpose. In our jobs, marriages, schools, etc. We serve an earthly purpose for the kingdom of God, and one day when the Lord takes us home, we will fulfill the greatest purpose of all, the reason we were created, an eternal life with the Father. We can spend our whole lives living for a purpose other than God’s but it won’t work. Why? Because God created us and without him, what would be the point?